Saturday, October 31, 2020

A Halloween Treat


Forwarded by Stephen King

A novel by Richard Bachman

I was skeptical about reading this book but the story turned out to be pretty good. This is my first thriller book and the closest thing I've read to horror. After reading this book I'm very interested in the Horror/Thriller genre of books. Lookout for more like this on the blog. 

Blaze grew up on "the wrong side of the tracks" as most would say. He had a rough childhood and lived a life of doing petty crimes. The book details his childhood and the criminal activities that all lead up to the biggest crime he's ever done, a kidnapping. Blaze is the underdog you will root for because despite all he's done he's simply a victim of his own circumstances. I really enjoyed this story's ups and downs. One thing that really captured me was his love for the victim he kidnapped. It showed that he was more than capable of giving and receiving love, something he never truly experienced from the adults in his life. All Blaze knew was the criminals he grew up with but the love he has for the victim makes him his own man finally. He isn't the smartest guy and surely not the smartest criminal but his heart is pure. This story is captivating, a page turner, and I found myself anxiously wondering how it would all end.

It took me about two months to read Blaze. It took me so long because I just moved to a new place. I've been in the process of decorating and adjusting to a new address, you know the moves. In a perfect world I would have finished this book in a week. The story is so good and easy to follow. If you haven't read any Horror/Thriller books I recommend starting with Blaze. It's the perfect book to cuddle up with for these cold winter months.

Happy Halloween <3

From: "Toni the Tiger"

*Keep Your Head in the Books*

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