Sunday, March 31, 2019

My mind playing tricks on me


By Charlamagne Tha God

I was so excited to read this book! I follow Charlamagne on Instagram and I've always wanted to know more about him because I love him on the Breakfast Club. He has a twisted since of humor I've always related to. I heard about his first book "Black Privilege" from a friend and I added it to my "to read" list and then a few weeks later he announced this book was coming and I declared I was reading this one first. In the following weeks Charlamagne announced via social media he was going on a book tour and I spotted my city on the list, I was so elated! So naturally, I called up one of my dear friends and said girrrrl we going to see Charlamagne the God at Paul Quinn College and she was down for the ride, we bought our tickets and headed to Oak Cliff to support him and his new book. It was an awesome experience.

When Charlamgne announced he was writing a book about mental health in the black community it really caught my attention because I work with mentally ill people and I, myself have been diagnosed with depression. I couldn't wait to grab a copy. The cover also drew me in because I make that same face when something is bothering me. LOL. Life isn't easy and for people of color it can be even harder. There are so many expectations to live up to as a black woman. Am I smart enough, am I being gentle enough, am I helping my own people, am I in the right relationship, am I excelling in my career??? All these questions bombard my mind and the older I get the louder the voices become. I could totally relate to Charlamagne. This book has offered me some great insight.

Charlamagne tha God sat down with us at Paul Quinn College and discussed his book, his past, and his relationship with Kanye West. It was so enlightening. One thing about celebrities I am always intrigued by is that they are just like me and you. We have the same 24 hours as them but they push harder than we do, it's a mindset. His speech really inspired me because he talked about how he felt guilty for dealing drugs in his past and how he worked hard to overcome that lifestyle and move on to radio. We all have a past, and often times we feel stuck there but I've learned we can move on and do better. I was glad to be in the room listening to such great advice and everyone in the audience got signed copies of his book, it was such an awesome night!

My favorite Chapter of Shook One was Chapter 7 "Fear of Failure", it really touched home for me. After reading about where this man grew up and the trials and tribulations he faced as a black man I couldn't help but think, STOP DOUBTING YOURSELF. The last chapter of this book was amazing and captivating. Here is an excerpt:

This book, at its core, is about the power of evolution. About how we all have the ability to unpack all the bullshit, drama, negative energy, and pain we've been carrying around-and causing- for years and years and finally move on with our lives. To allow ourselves to be free and grow into the beautiful person that's always been inside us. I truly believe all of us are capable of that sort of transformation.

I do worry, however, that collectively we don't always give people the space to make those transformations.

What a word! I felt that for sure. Another thing I love about this book was how Charlamagne has a clinical correlation written by a Psychologist at the end of all his chapters. After hearing his story and point of view, the Psychologist breaks down what it means from a clinical point of view. It's like we're invited to sit in therapy with him, such a great concept!

Shortly after I started reading this book I was invited to be a Radio Co-Host on "The Kick Back Show". I must admit I was nervous and I questioned rather or not my voice could really be heard. Despite my fears I created social media pages for the show, invited and set up interviews for local artist/activist/entrepreneurs to "kick back"with us, and also created a YouTube channel. Despite all my doubts and fears I can hear the Universe telling me this is all lining up in my favor, there is no co-incidence, step into the light and embrace it! So here I am! The only thing to fear is fear itself! I have a lot more work to do and even if it doesn't workout and I'm not an overnight success, lol, I will always be grateful for the experience. Thank you Charlamagne Tha God for being my inspiration.


  1. I absolutely love this blog and appreciate your transparency. Start a living spree, living your dreams without the fear of failure . I'm rooting for you!!

  2. Very cool... I listen to him on the Breakfast Club and remember when he did that signing in Texas. Glad to see you spreading your wings and going for yours. Positive energy out = positive energy in. Thanks for sending me this.

  3. Thank you all for the support and love. Much appreciated.

  4. Great read. Good you could relate to the subject matter and find your own healing in the process. Leonard often says that all therapy really is is the person talking to themselves and coming to their own conclusion. It's just the way the Psychiatrist prods the mind to inspire the thoughts.

    1. Very True. I'm still searching for the right therapist for me, in the book he discussed seeing someone totally different from yourself to get a different perspective and I'll try that soon, Ive seen two therapist and both were black women. They were good and very professional but I still felt like I needed something, so next time I'm venturing out. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts. Much appreciated.
