Sunday, January 30, 2022

And Still I Rise...

 A Concrete Rose

Reading this book was nostalgic and heart felt, a real black story. It took me back to the hood in the 90's. I was just a kid then but I remember the black man's struggle between the streets and getting an education. I watched many men in my family fall victim to the systems never meant to protect them.  I felt the familiar sting of poverty and limited choices, it's such an eye-opener. This book is the perfect rendition of a black family dealing with street life, systems of oppression, teen pregnancy, violence, grief, and love in the 90's.  

This is my first time reading this author, Angie Thomas. I have seen the movie, The Hate U Give, which is based on a novel she also wrote. Her stories seem to give you the real black experience, a real Concrete Rose. Not just how pretty it looks in the end but the entire process. Her way of telling a story will capture you until the end. 

I started to think about all the concrete roses I've met in my life. I think they all have overcame something big to get here...