Friday, August 31, 2018


Unshackled by Gene McGuire is a God Send. This book was so inspiring and captivating.
Gene spent over 30 years in prison and during that time he found God and changed his life behind bars. Gene's book tell's about the Murder that led to his imprisonment and life behind bars. He leads us into how he finds his faith and the people he met along the way. Gene is another reminder of how Amazing God is!

It took me a couple of months to read this book due to my busy schedule but I think I could have finished it in a week if I had the time. This book is 15 chapters and about 300 pages. It reminded me of one of those true crime stories you watch on the ID channel. It's a story of redemption, faith, and overcoming in the worst circumstances. I kept thinking while reading the final chapters if he can change his life in prison then we can change anywhere and no matter the circumstances with faith in God. What a great message from Gene! I love this story.

Gene is currently in Texas since his release in 2012. He does motivational speeches, book signings, and church ministry throughout the DFW metroplex. He is so encouraging and supportive. I look forward to hearing him speak soon.

Please grab a copy of Gene's book.  I recommend it highly. You won't be disappointed.