Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Give me 50 feet

Boundaries by Dr Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend

I picked this book up at the book store in my Church. The art work on the front cover caught my attention along with the word "Boundaries" so I skimmed through a couple of pages and I felt as though I had to read it. This book was not an easy read as it did seem kind of repetitive. What I liked about it most though, was that each chapter gives you a different scenario on how to have good boundaries, at work, relationships, and with family to name a few. 

This is a good one to keep around for reference and check back in when your feeling out of balance. I also liked that it referenced different bible verses throughout the book. There was one part of the book where they talked about how God wants us each to carry our own load. It's ok to help others as we all need help at times but every one should be carrying their own, not putting yours on others or carrying yours and others loads too. Good Boundaries bring you peace and this book shows you how to have good boundaries with everyone in your life. 

I read this book in pieces over the last few months as I have been swamped with responsibilities. I need an assistant (I can't afford one lol)!! It's not an easy read but it is insightful. I have a copy if you want to borrow or you can order this one online. Get you some Boundaries honey!

I absolutely love my new book mark. It was gifted to me for Christmas, and I have never had a book mark this big but I think it's my new thing. I love the words printed on the front and the beautiful artwork, how unique.

If you have some cool book marks post a pic and tell us about them. I am falling in love with book accessories. I will share some more goodies I have acquired soon.